Vendor: Infinity Electric Fire


At almost one metre, the iRange i920e Slimline strikes the ideal balance between providing a wide flame picture and suiting all room types and sizes. Our realistic woodland logs add to the cosy real fire ambience, featuring logs of different colours and sizes.


A seven-day timer with digital thermostatic control provides full controllability of this stunning focal point. Installation is possible with three sides of glass, allowing you to find the perfect fit to create a statement centrepiece in your home.


  • The new C&J Smart App enables you to control all aspects of the fire from your mobile device, including the two new optional crackle sound effects.
  • Installation is possible with three sides of glass showing, making it perfect for media, feature, and dividing wall installations.
  • Our woodland log set, featuring logs of different colours and sizes, mimicking what you will find on a gentle stroll through the forest.
  • Exciting realistic LiveFlame effect with three colour options each available in five mood settings. The mood settings allow for five differing levels of brightness and size of flames.
  • Realistic Ambient Light flickering fuel bed with nine colour options and four mood settings. Choose from a glowing, natural amber or take your pick from any one of eight other shades to match your mood – all easily set using your remote control. You can even set the colours to gradually shift from one shade to another, cycling through the whole palette to create an everchanging display.